Now available: driving lessons in an automatic car


Reliable and high-quality driving school in Haarlem


At our driving school in Haarlem, high quality teaching is our number one priority. It’s important to us that we teach our students to drive safely, ensuring that they sit behind the wheel with ease and confidence. During the lessons, we always use a positive, relaxed and focused approach and work our way towards the exam. Together, we determine when you’re ready to take the test. This approach has led many to pass with great satisfaction and ease!

Check out our reviews to check what our students have to say!
Feel free to give it a try and experience driving lessons at RijVrij driving school in Haarlem.

Driving lessons for everyone at RijVrij in Haarlem

At RijVrij driving school, everyone is welcome! Whether you’ve just turned 16.5 or 56. Whether you have difficulty concentrating, have AD(H)D, autism, or (test) anxiety. Everyone feels at home with us because we always teach in a calm, relaxed, and positive fashion. And because the driving lessons with us are consistently tailored to the student, we can guarantee high-quality lessons for everyone.

Our instructor provides driving lessons not only in English but also in Dutch and Turkish.

Owner at RijVrij driving school: Nebi

Nebi Uzan is owner and instructor of RijVrij driving school. Nebi has extensive experience as a driving instructor, and in 2018, he founded RijVrij driving school. The goal of RijVrij is to provide driving lessons for all, using a positive and calm approach and a bit of humor. Everyone can learn to drive with joy and confidence!

Are you curious and want to try a lesson? Then request a trial lesson now. During this lesson, you’ll receive advice on which package suits you best (without any obligations).

Which service suits you best?

Everybody’s different. That’s why we offer various packages, ensuring there’s always one that fits your needs. You can choose how many lessons you want with us. Additionally, you can decide whether you’d like to take a mock exam (we advise to do so by the way) or not.
We also offer refresher courses for experienced drivers, also to get used to driving an automatic or electric car. We have lots of experience teaching expats navigate the Dutch roads with ease.
Would you like free expert advice which package suits you best? Request a trial lesson now!

Sign Up Now!
5 Lessons for 225,-




  • High quality teaching
  • Tailored lessons, fit for you
  • Expat courses for experienced drivers
  • Professional and friendly instructor with vast experience
  • Teaching in Dutch, English and Turkish
  • Installed payments are possible
  • No waiting lists, start immediately

Get In Touch



Rijschool RijVrij
Semmelweisstraat 72
2035 CV Haarlem



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