Now available: driving lessons in an automatic car

Privacy policy

(last updated 11-05-2022)

Driving school RijVrij values the protection of your privacy. Therefore, RijVrij abides to rules and regulations such the ‘Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming’

What is our purpose for your personal data?
– in agreements for driving lessons
– for reserving practical exams at the CBR
– for sending correspondence
– for posting messages on Social Media

For beforementioned purposes we may ask the following data:
– Name and address
– E-mail address
– Date of birth
– Phone number

Third party agreements
We may only provide third parties with your data if this is necessary for the execution of
purposes described above. We never provide your data to third parties without a processing
agreement. In this agreement agreements about processing and safety are guaranteed.

We don’t keep personal data longer than necessary based on their purpose or based on

With the social media buttons incorporated in our website personal data is collected by the
providers of the social media platforms used.

Google Analytics
We use Google analytics to analyze how our users use our website. We have a processing
agreement with Google which states what data they can collect. We allow Google to use
these data for their services. Google doesn’t anonymize IP-addresses.

We make sure your data is safe.

Changes in this privacy policy
With changes in the website, this policy may change. Check the date of the most recent
version at the top of this policy document.

Change, view or delete personal data
If you want to know which of your data we have in our files, you are always free to ask. You
have the following rights:
– Explanation about which personal data we have and what we do with that.
– Viewing of personal data in our files

– correcting mistakes
– removing outdated data
– revoking consent
– object certain use

If you want to file a complaint you have the right to do so at ‘Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens’.

Rijschool RijVrij
Semmelweisstraat 72
2035 CV Haarlem